New domain – what to do?
I just picked up the domain for fun. The problem is, I don’t know what to do with it. Do you have any good ideas? If so, please plop a comment below. Oh, and if you can think of …
I just picked up the domain for fun. The problem is, I don’t know what to do with it. Do you have any good ideas? If so, please plop a comment below. Oh, and if you can think of …
Well, you’ve done cheap Macro photos in the last post, so it’s time to try this madfangled HDR thingy you’ve seen everyone doing. HDR (High Dynamic Range photography) is taking a photo at low, medium and high exposure and blending …
Here’s a tutorial I wrote for the wristwatch forums I visit from time to time. Hopefully, you’ll be able to apply this technique to your photography. As you can see, I’m using a Canon EOS 400D but any DSLR should …
Well, it looks like we’re a go. The main page has been running as a Blog for almost 9 years without a way of adding comments. This is us finally succumbing to the future.